Sleep Solutions: Balancing Potty Training and Sibling Sleep

Being a parent of two young children can sometimes feel like a juggling act, especially when one child is potty trained and the other is not. If you've found yourself in a situation where your potty-trained child is waking up too early to use the bathroom, causing disturbances for their younger sibling, you're not alone.
December 16, 2023

Being a parent of two young children can sometimes feel like a juggling act, especially when one child is potty trained and the other is not. If you've found yourself in a situation where your potty-trained child is waking up too early to use the bathroom, causing disturbances for their younger sibling, you're not alone. Rest assured, there are solutions to help both kids sleep in a little longer without resorting to pull-ups at night. Let's dive into some practical strategies that can bring peace to your mornings and uninterrupted sleep for everyone.

Adjusting Evening Fluid Intake:

Take a closer look at the evening fluid intake of your potty-trained child. Limiting their intake of fluids, especially large amounts close to bedtime, can help reduce the need to wake up early to use the bathroom. Encourage your child to hydrate earlier in the evening, ensuring they have ample time to empty their bladder before bedtime.

Consistent Bedtime Routine:

A consistent bedtime routine is key to promoting quality sleep for both children. Establish a calming routine that includes activities like reading a book or practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing. This will signal your children's bodies that it's time to wind down and prepare for sleep, helping them feel more relaxed and less prone to waking up too early.

Bedtime and Wake-Up Time Adjustments:

After nighttime potty training has already been mastered, gradually shifting the bedtime and wake-up time of both children can help synchronize their sleep schedules. Start by adjusting their bedtime by 15 minutes every few days, gradually moving it closer to a desired time. Similarly, wake them up just a little later each day. This gradual adjustment will reset their internal clocks and encourage them to sleep longer without needing to wake up for a bathroom trip.

Night Lights or Dim Lighting:

Consider installing night lights in the bathroom and hallway to make the trip to the bathroom easier and minimize disruptions. Opt for dim lighting that won't fully wake your younger child while still providing enough illumination for the potty-trained child to navigate safely.

Positive Reinforcement:

Encourage your potty-trained child to stay in bed until a more reasonable wake-up time. Use positive reinforcement techniques such as praise, rewards, or a special treat for staying in bed until an agreed-upon time. This will motivate them to remain in bed, allowing their younger sibling to continue sleeping peacefully.

Noise Machine or White Noise:

Invest in a noise machine or use a white noise app on your devices to create a soothing background sound. White noise can help drown out any noises that might disturb your younger child when their older sibling gets up to use the bathroom, promoting a more restful sleep for both kids.


Balancing potty training and sibling sleep can present unique challenges, but with the right strategies, you can extend the time for both children to sleep in the morning without resorting to pull-ups. By adjusting fluid intake, maintaining a consistent bedtime routine, gradually shifting sleep schedules, ensuring dim lighting, providing positive reinforcement, and implementing white noise, you can create an environment that fosters uninterrupted sleep for both your potty-trained child and their younger sibling.

Remember, it may take time to find the perfect routine that works for your family, but be patient, consistent, and adaptable. With your love, support, and these practical solutions, you'll soon find the ideal balance that allows everyone to get the restful sleep they need.

Need additional support? I have a Nighttime Potty Training Course and 1:1 Consults to help you with every step of this journey!

We also launched a Potty Training Support Group membership in November 2023 and we'd love for you to join! Here is a link to find out more.

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