It's no secret that one of the more intimidating aspects about potty training for most parents is leaving the house. How could it not be? Our little toddlers are often wild cards when it comes to their newly trained bladders!

I know it seems super tempting to put a Pull-Up or diaper back on your child "just in case" an accident happens. Longer car rides, trips to the store where a public bathroom isn't an ideal option, outings to the park, and indoor play places aren’t where you’re going to want to clean up a potty accident with judgmental eyes watching, I get it. But resorting to those "just-in-case-Pullups", even on occasion, can send mixed signals and confuse the firm expectations that you’ve just taught your child. You want them to learn that pee and poop only belong in the potty. Using Pull-Ups sometimes can unintentionally send the message that it's okay to pee/poop in their pants sometimes.
Being prepared for any and all possible potty circumstances before you leave the house will set you BOTH up for success and give you the confidence to get back out there! Motivation is key in order for most toddlers to buy into potty training. And by motivation, I mean…REWARDS! It's not always easy to pack up your entire potty repertoire and take it with you when you leave the house, so I have been on the hunt for a guiltless edible reward that is not only attractive to youngsters but easy to throw into your potty training on-the-go survival kit too. And I'm so excited to say that I found it!

Amara Organic Smoothie Melts are not only organic and super healthy for our children’s little growing bodies, but they’re also colorful and delicious too! The fact that you don’t have to keep these yogurt snacks refrigerated is the best part about bringing them on the go!
Amara Organic Smoothie Melts stand out above the rest because:
- They have ZERO added sugars
- They don’t have any additives
- They are 100% organic
- They are non-GMO
These tiny, scrumptious bites by Amara will be just the motivation your toddler needs to pee and poop on the potty, even in public environments! Now, I know there’s a population out there who doesn’t like to use any edible rewards and I fully respect that decision also. Amara Organic Smoothie Bites can be used as an on-the-go snack to keep your child’s appetite at bay, which will also help to avoid potty meltdowns! These bites are safe for children as young as 9 months old, making these awesome options for the entire family!

Amara Organic Smoothie Bites begin to melt soon after you pop them into your mouth. They are totally safe for young toddlers to consume (and I’ll bet you’ll want to snack on them too!). Food marketed to children these days are often very deceitful - with promises of healthy food on the front of the package yet having a list of chemical-filled ingredients on the back. It’s not this way with Amara Organic Smoothie Bites, what you see promised on the front is exactly what you’ll find on the back! See for yourself - only 4 ingredients!!
Potty training can be an intimidating process to enter, for both you AND your child! I think we often consider what a big change potty training is for our children, but until we begin the process, we do not consider how much changes for US too! With options like Amara Organic Smoothie Bites, you don’t have to compromise convenience with health. Choose from their 5 different flavors and enjoy them repeatedly thanks to their resealable bags!
It is important to remember that you’re not alone in this journey and that there are unique solutions for all unique challenges that you and your toddler may face along the way. Have courage and stay committed! I believe in you both! xo